Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bin of Doom

I wonder how many of you have some piece of furniture, tub, treadmill that you refer to in your home as "______ of doom"? This place offers a safe haven to any and all collections of stuff that we have yet to find a place for or are too lazy to put it there. We have "bins of doom" in my home. I feel like it is a step up from using the treadmill as the dungeon because then there is at least the perception that I actually use the treadmill for some sort of exercise. That perception is lost when you see the thick layer of dust and dog hair that covers it.

Well, this afternoon I felt called to begin the task of disseminating the junk that has piled up in the bin of doom on the chair in my room. This certain bin of doom has been eating up the "lost" for approximately six months. I had pretty much decided to throw a lampshade on top and call it decoration. Anyway, I told Daniel yesterday that September was going to be "organization" month for us. Surprisingly, I began the task today around 4:30pm at Claire's "witching hour", but it worked out well since she helped me empty the bin of its prisoners.

Thusly...(not sure if I used that correctly) I have finished 98% of the job of finding homes for the wayward inhabitants of our bin of doom. Daniel got home tonight and gladly decided to help me make labels for files that needed to be created. I have attached a picture of his dutiful work. I feel jazzed that this large task is down to about a 45 minute closer project tomorrow. Weird how that is.

1 comment:

ThieleMommy said...

No "bins of doom" for us...we prefer "crap mountains." They provide never ending comments like, "Oh! That's where that is!", or, "Honey, do you know where _________ is?? I don't might check the crap mountain on the left."