Friday, July 2, 2010


I was at my Mom's the other day. She had wanted me to stop by with Zach so she could show him off to her friends. See, Mom plays Mah Jong and Mexican Rummy and this was her month to host Rummy. It really is far from unusual for me to be at my Mom's, so this day was like no other. I arrived to the "ooohs" and "ahhhs" as to how wonderfully handsome my new son is. Unfortunately, that scene was cut short since my little vampire was uber ready to eat his yummy mama milk lunch. So, I grabbed the boppy and headed upstairs to relounge on my parents' bed to feed Zach.

Mom's room looks different than it did when I was growing up. They have updated from their old grey mini-blinds to pretty tapestry window coverings. They now have expensive furniture that fills the room. I remember growing up there was no headboard or armoire...just the old dressers from long ago and old nightstands. We never cared though and knew no different. Anyway, sitting there, feeding my son...I felt so loved and comfortable and nostalgic. I think it's funny how the houses we grew up in have such a hold on us. It really took several years for my own house to feel like "home".

As I sat there on this huge new bed my parents have...I still noticed the remembrances of years past. The picture of my Mom before my parents got married, the bathroom vanity where so many times we fixed our hair with dippity-do for recitals and where our old dog Jimmy would sleep in the dirty clothes pile. Love just permeates everything in that house and I'm so glad my parents are still there. They could afford something more now, but Mom says they will never leave until its for the old folks' home. I know she feels all of that love too...from parent to child, from child to parent, for pets, for family. I hope someday that Claire and Zach feel that way for our house...that they will always be home with us and can kick back and watch TV or feed their kids and know that they are loved.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Mom Again

It has been way too long, but being pregnant for the second time took all of the ooomph out of my sails. The good news is that I survived the pregnancy and have a beautiful son, Zach to show for it. He is exactly 13 days old. I love being the Mom of two, but am having a hard time managing my need for sleep. Go figure. Should I be sleeping right now that both of the chitlins' are out? Probably. And yet, I'm watching "So You Think You Can Dance"! I love Kent!

I just thought I would share the little bit of satisfaction I got this evening. Daniel promised me that he would be home from work to help me with bedtime since Monday night I had a screaming newborn while attempting to bathe my toddler and put her to bed. He promised. Well, dinner, bath and jammies came and went and he finally walked in right when we were getting her prayer book out. I was slightly more than irritated since I had the gracious offer of a friend to come help me with bedtime and I turned her down. He promised.

Well, I held my temper and just asked him to hold Zach while I pumped. Pumping breastmilk is just the bane of my existence...hate it. Let's just say I have these massive boobies that make massive amounts of milk when drank from by a newborn vampire, and yet when the machine tries to access the dairy production...the girls only give up 1-2 ounces at a time. Argh! I digress. Well, while I'm attached like Elsie to the pump...Zach pees through his diaper all over Daniel. Sweet satisfaction. I simply remarked..."good luck with that".

A few minutes later, after Daniel has changed him and I have detached from the milk machine...he stops me mid-stride. "I need you to do something for me...check his onesie and his belly button". I asked him if "it" came off...yes. Let me preface by saying that Daniel HATES belly buttons...the idea of them, touching them, it being touched...HATES. And Zach's belly button stump chose this perfect moment to finally release! Sweet satisfaction.

Off to feed the vampire and attempt an hour or so of sleep. Hoping to make this a regular thing. Night.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

That's Not Me

Some of us are housekeepers, right? Some of us are very tidy, but not so clean. Some of us are tidy and clean to an extreme. Some of us are not tidy or clean. Etc. I strive to be both tidy and clean, and yet I am not.

I know that my friends say their houses are a mess, but I feel like I am constantly battling my house. Your home should be your haven, your nap-mat, your warm bath and a cup of hot chocolate and a good book! I often feel a prisoner in my own home.

The clutter

The dust

I will finally get my kitchen counter cleared off and somehow, twenty-four hours later...mail from a thousand mailboxes has deposited itself there along with Claire's shoes, a bag of half eaten pecans, and coupons I have not yet clipped.
This phenomenon is going to be the end of me I tell you.

All I ask is for some tips on how to keep things manageable. I understand my house will not always be clean and that the laundry will not always be done. I understand. I just need a plan, a recipe if you will, for order. Tell me please...and I will do it. Please take into consideration I have a toddler following me around throughout the day, which causes a great deal of joy and inability to focus on toilet cleaning.

Help me I say...I'm buried!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Farm Ville

Ok, so my husband got me hooked on this complete time-waster of a game called "FarmVille" on Facebook. I just need to see if anyone else has made this part of their daily routine like brushing your teeth or pooping? Really? Daniel and I each make our way into the study in the evening..."Are you going to farm?"..."Yup".


I have a finite amount of time after Claire goes to bed to relax and reflect and get my butt in bed before we start the routine over at about 5am. Why, oh why do I spend at least thirty minutes a night "farming"? I know part of it is the competitive drive to beat my husband, but I feel that I need to let this go...let my crops wither. Wouldn't taking a hot bath be more rewarding?!
P.S. Written why my avatar is seeding my fields! It must stop!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

As promised...

Well, two blogs in two days...must be a record for me! Thanks to all of you for your support with the sister drama...what a wonderful feeling to log in to my account and have encouragement waiting for me. Thanks so much.

Today was the most blah of days with the weather here in Houston down right yucky. Luckily, my little squirt and I were able to play and watch a lot of Sesame Street. Ok, we went to Taco Bell for lunch and it only cost $6.54, but I figured out how next time we can share less for about $4.50 ;-) We also went and looked at the baby furniture that my sister-in-law just put together for her little bundle soon to be making his/her debut. Luckily, I am so thankful to have her within the in-law crowd. We get along great and she always makes me smile. Love you Aunt Melissa.

Does anyone know where we can get the swine flu vaccine? Good gracious...trying to hunt it down! I hope you are all happy and healthy this week! Happy end to this dreary Monday, but so thankful Claire and I had a PJ day!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I have come to realize that the relationship between sisters is one of a complicated nature. This relationship spans love, jealousy, pride, jealousy, anger, jealousy, and judgement...oh, and love.

I have this dream you see...a dream where my sister and I are best friends. I have had this dream for many years and it eludes me still. We are about as different as two people can get, with the only similarities causing us to clash like the Titans. Don't get me wrong...I love her and she loves me and if we were either in a life or death situation, the other would be there to save. With that said, we find ourselves on the opposite ends of a wide spectrum.

I am rather plump...she is stick thin. I have blonde straight hair...she has long curly dark hair. She loves running...I hate running. She loves Coach...I love Ross. She loves high heels...I love my Crocs. I love being Spring trash...she is an Inner Looper. I am emotional and an over-pleaser...she is emotional and has no need to please at all. She has her Masters in Business...I have my bachelor's in Psychology. She studied...I didn't. I need her...she doesn't need me.

Fortunately, to my 6 followers...she has never looked at my blog that I'm aware of, so my confessions will not be heard. If by chance they are...maybe it will help us. Even though I am the big sister, I feel like I'm always trying to live up to her. I'm always trying to make her proud of me, to no avail. And what is so funny is that I am so very proud of her. She is a strong, independent, and opinionated woman that has made a successful life for herself. I have told her many times how proud I am of her. I have never heard those words directed at me.

Excuse the pity-party. I hope some of you understand what I'm going through. I'm going to try and pray for us to "find" each other. I think I need to let go that constant strive to exceed her expectations because I probably won't even meet them. I need to be happy with my own accomplishments and feel self-satisfaction in my attributes. I should not worry about what other people think...even my sister.

So, I call out to you to tell me that I'm not crazy. That sisters are complicated...not just for me and mine. Take care this Sunday. I pray for a wonderful week for all of us! Apologies for my lack of blogging...will try and be better.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sleep atrophy and other tales...

Dearest Readers,
How I have let you down. Thankfully, there are only a hand-ful of you to mingle. I am quite rightly embarrassed at my lack of blogging, but haven't had much notion to do so. Life is just not that interesting at the moment. Tonight, for example, after my Mom has made me believe that if I don't get more sleep that I'm going to die of the swine flu...I have chosen the lesser evil of going to bed early. (No, I don't yet have the swine flu). Lights were out last night at 8:15pm. Tonight it was 9:20pm, but then after the dogs woke me up twice...I am here.

Claire has been ill with a cold for a couple of weeks, was well one week, and then with "hand, foot, and mouth" disease the last week. Yuck, right? Really wasn't a big deal though and she has been fine for days. Today, I really did nothing...did dishes, did my husbands expenses for him (for selfish reasons, I assure you), played with Claire, argued about family plans for Thanksgiving, etc.

I have been contemplating a new "story" to render, but will keep it stewing for awhile. Saturday night, I went to a truly "fancy" surprise party and it was wonderful! I got to really talk with some of my new friends and see how I can still have fun after 8pm. I paid for it the next morning when Daniel was slow to rise with Claire and I ended up with her at 4:45am. Tonight, we began the process of pushing her bedtime, so that I don't die of swine flu and that maybe we could go out to dinner with our little babushka sometime! I'm hoping that we can get her to sleep until 6am...that would be heaven.

I guess that is it for now kids. Night.