Monday, October 12, 2009

Sleep atrophy and other tales...

Dearest Readers,
How I have let you down. Thankfully, there are only a hand-ful of you to mingle. I am quite rightly embarrassed at my lack of blogging, but haven't had much notion to do so. Life is just not that interesting at the moment. Tonight, for example, after my Mom has made me believe that if I don't get more sleep that I'm going to die of the swine flu...I have chosen the lesser evil of going to bed early. (No, I don't yet have the swine flu). Lights were out last night at 8:15pm. Tonight it was 9:20pm, but then after the dogs woke me up twice...I am here.

Claire has been ill with a cold for a couple of weeks, was well one week, and then with "hand, foot, and mouth" disease the last week. Yuck, right? Really wasn't a big deal though and she has been fine for days. Today, I really did nothing...did dishes, did my husbands expenses for him (for selfish reasons, I assure you), played with Claire, argued about family plans for Thanksgiving, etc.

I have been contemplating a new "story" to render, but will keep it stewing for awhile. Saturday night, I went to a truly "fancy" surprise party and it was wonderful! I got to really talk with some of my new friends and see how I can still have fun after 8pm. I paid for it the next morning when Daniel was slow to rise with Claire and I ended up with her at 4:45am. Tonight, we began the process of pushing her bedtime, so that I don't die of swine flu and that maybe we could go out to dinner with our little babushka sometime! I'm hoping that we can get her to sleep until 6am...that would be heaven.

I guess that is it for now kids. Night.

1 comment:

Melissa D. said...

love the new pumpkin pic . . . so cute. hate colds . . . nothing to do for them but ride it out, and for that matter, same with hand, foot and mouth. ughh.

many an hour of sleep have I missed in a vain attempt to preserve little memories of their childhood. If I had only CG, I would not have nearly as many posts as I do . . . Connor just cracks me up all the live long day.