Sunday, August 30, 2009

Great Expectations

Isn't it funny when the least of these becomes our greatest accomplishment for the day? My husband bought me a sewing machine for my five year anniversary, along with an Xbox 360 for himself...go figure! Well, as those of you who know me best know...I tend to abandon my lofty adventures. There was bike riding the MS 150...challenged myself to this twice and gave up twice, hand-quilting...need I say more, a blanket for my friend's about 3/4 done after two years...dieting...exercise (lather, rinse, repeat).

So, I had decided on Wednesday after I found out we had to have a sleep mat for MDO, that my next "project" had begun. I wanted Claire to have a special mat, despite the fact that she isn't going to sleep on it anyway. I found a pattern from a seemingly nice Mom's blog to try. Went to the store...bought all of the junk to make it...$50 later I was ready to begin. I've never owned a sewing machine, so the sewing was what I was worried about most. Who knew that cutting the fabric would be my decline. Yes, after two hours I had two large lop-sided pieces of fabric. My fears of abandonment (mine, not theirs) was rising. I stashed all of my goods in the corner of the hallway so as not for Claire to stab herself with pins.

After a few days...Daniel was back home and I decided I was going to do it. I was going to make this nap-mat or die trying. I went back to Wally-world and bought more fabric, since I had hacked up the last like Edward Scissor-hands. Last night, after Claire went to bed...we began. Daniel helped me get the pieces cut...we knew to fold it thanks to my dearest friend and seamstress, Renee. After that, and a few more "helps" along the way...I was on my own. After a fun night of Rockband...he went to sleep. My fears were bubbling up could I go this alone?! I haven't been up past midnight in a year! (Kiddos will do that to you!) Yet, I forged ahead.

12:30a.m. Finished

Is it possible that I actually completed a task, and in a timely manner? Really? Claire's nap mat was complete minus someway to attach the tabs to keep it rolled up when not in use. Afraid of buttons, and decided against velcro due to all the carpet getting stuck in it. Any suggestions welcomed! Despite that miniscule abandon...I completed my project. She will have her nap mat on Wednesday. Again, I know she won't sleep in it, but I'm still proud! I have attached a picture of my accomplishment! Ooohs and Ahhhs are welcomed.


Melissa D. said...

ohhhh . . . that is ahhhhhsome! seriously I am way impressed and inspired. I have a hand me down sowing machine from my mom, but haven't sown in years. A couple of weeks ago got the fabric to make a new nap mat for Connor for school . . . I washed the fabric, and that is as far as I have gone, but I am going to be inspired by you and get it done by his third birthday (9/18). :)

Blair said...

Way to go, mama! I also got a sewing machine from hubby for my birthday in February and have yet to attempt it...too scared! But I have lots of projects I want to start; once I get Mount Laundry under control in the sewing room. Wanna come over and give me some pointers? Glad to have another blogging buddy :)